Friday, January 8, 2016

Cointelpro, tactics of our enemy and the blind within.



Cointelpro, tactics of our enemy and the blind within.

Ok first brothers and sisters i will not go into the entire story and history of cointelpro as it is quite extensive. But it is a program that is still very active and the MAIN reason for the failure of the pro white cause. Far beyond any other reason and many do not know or simply minimalize its effects on our cause. It is also wrote off by many as a conspiracy theory. When the facts and proof of its active existence is far more prevelant today then ever before. Follow me through this little journey and i will show you who, when, where and how to combat it. This is a journey i could compile in a 700 plus page book, but for the sake of time and attention i will simplify it as best i can.
As i said the entire history of cointelpro is far beyond a simple article so for those wanting more extensive research visit the following websites , .

I was inspired to write this article after i tried doing a simple radio show the night before writing this and i couldnt even get 5 minutes into it without a cadre of agitators trolling saying many childish things. Name calling, ridiculous, unfounded, uneducated accusations. Most of us write these very typical things off as the everyday drama of the pro white cause, however. As childish or petty as these things are they are planned tactical attacks, in most cases anyway. Some are just plain idiotic. I am not saying every single person engaging these things are a part of a bigger grandeous conspiracy. To the contrary, most who do these things are completly oblivious to their actions being manipulated by those who have the greater purpose and agenda. They are simply tools. I however started this radio show and was going to briefly speak of some of these issues. As i was informed that a few men had their own radio shows in which i was the main topic of conversation. Breaking my name down, making accusations and the typical childish name calling. Now these are men who i have had absolutly NO recent contact with and very minimal previous contact with. Yet they seem so obsessed with me for some apparent reason (it will become apparent). Any educated person will say "if they are so bad, just stay away from them. If you are so better then just do better things and people will see them for what they are." Right? But no, they continue. When in reality if we are both fighting for a pro white cause but just use different tactics, we would be inconsequential to each other. One would think but there are much bigger things going on here. All one has to do is look past the actual immidiate issue and see the pattern, the history and the actions.

The original tactics of cointelpro were clearly an FBI project but as time when on and the political/culture demographics in this country changed others who have openly been in cooperation with them started applying these tactics as well. Groups such as the SPLC (souther poverty law center) and the ADL (anti-defamation league). Organizations who are very, VERY funded. Most of their funding comes from fear mongering, which i will get to and break down later. But their agenda has always been to keep any significant pro white cause from growing through internal chaos. They use financial means to turn some and fear to turn others. Some do it just out of hatred and animosity. Some do it just to feel like they are a part of something bigger. Either way these people are in no way a friend to our racial survival and are a product of the very same training and programing that has led us to our current predicament. In a perfect world and maybe in a more broke down chaotic world they would be pulled from their homes, exposed, ousted and then ultimatly executed in the streets like the despicable, cowardly dogs they are. Because unlike those who's natural purpose is to seek our destruction, namely the jews, these people have been exposed to the truths and double standards. They have educated themselves upon them, lived upon its philosophies and principles (at least on the surface). Yet they CHOOSE to side with our enemies plan for our destruction. There my friends is the big difference. You can predict and forsee your natural enemies purpose and tactics. But when they use our own against us it is hard to counter or predict.

Imagine this scenario. A pack of wolves are in the forrest, they stumble upon the scent of a deer. They track it, then they follow it. They eventually find said deer. Now the Alpha, a seasoned hunter leads the pack, he stalks the deer. You see he knows from his education and history exactly what direction the deer will run, what he will do. So the kill is a complete certainty. What he doesnt know is that the head Beta is secretly working with the deer. (this is a scenario people so bear with me). Why the Beta is working with the deer against his own pack is only ones guess as he will not expose himself. Maybe the Beta has a a desire to be the Alpha of the pack, but cannot take him out on his own, so he teams up with the deer to accomplish his goals. Maybe he has hatred and animosity for the Alpha and just wants to see him fail, because the Alpha succeeded where he could not. Hell, maybe he just hates his fellow wolf kind. But either way he seeks only his own selfish purposes over the survival, expansion and advancement of his own kind. As the Alpha goes to make his move towards the deer, the Beta comes up on his side and bites the Alpha right in the juggular. This weakens the Alpha and before he can turn around and kill his lesser to show his dominance the other wolves see his weakness. Now his weakness was not that he could be bested by the Beta, to the contrary, he has done so in many ways previously. That is way he has continued so long as the Alpha of the pack. But it was his failure to recognise the traitor beside him who seeks his own glory and purpose. This however does not matter to the rest of the pack. All they see is weakness and failure. An internal power struggle ensues and wolf turns on wolf. In some cases the Beta might succeed, he kills the Alpha and takes his throne. But he won only through deciet and in a time of deciet he will end with the same fate. But in most cases, as this, the wolves continue to turn on one another. In an eternal power struggle that ultimatly leads to the duestruction of the pack. Meanwhile the deer goes on being a deer and is the only real winner. Morale of the story is that the wolves can only be defeated from within. As in the case of our people, our racial enemies cannot compete with us when we are united through honor. Our enemy knows this and has for years. Can we ever not turn on each other? That will remain to be seen, but for now let me get back to the subject at hand.

I think or better yet hope you all understand the point i made above because it is very similar to the eternal power struggles withi this cause and the deliberate actions by many. But anyway lets move on to our next example, the methods of cointelpro. Because you must recognise your enemy and his actions.
Method 1: Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents.


Sound familiar? Now see in this recent issue, speaking of the radio show and agitators. As i said these men we had no contact with. We/I dont seek them out on social media, we dont call/text harrass them. We dont talk about them. I fact we activly seek to avoid them because we dont agree with their tactics, their attitudes or just generally dont like them. But they seek us out, stalk us, talk about us, etc. Are you starting to get it??? Now as i said not all of these people are intentionally working against us but being used by others. Here is an example:

Now i will never mention people or organizations by name as if i give them any validation for their actions then they know they are doing there job and it gives them the attention the so desperatly seek. But for prosperity purposes lets call subject/agent A Will Doper and subject/agent B Ben Dicklack. Now lets take these two individuals but with their own seperate purposes and tactics. More then likely oblivious to each others own involvement with, well whoever they are working with. Odds are in the employment/services of one of the two organizations i mentioned before, the SPLC or ADL. These are just the two biggest org's who work towards our failures, two of many. But we will stick with them for now. These two find a common cause and can use and manipulate each other for their own purposes, while they dont conflict. Which they will eventually, either they go their seperate ways or they will turn on each other. But for now they have solidarity on a common field.
Lets start with subject A Will Doper. Now this individual for whatever purpose like i talked about above. He first cannot simply come out and slander people. Because then it will be very apparent to all that he just wants to start problems. So he has to make a name for himself. He is a physical coward and knows he cant earn a reputation through his prowess or manlyhood. That he cant earn his place by gaining the respect of his fellow men through honor or loyalty like a brotherhood. No, he goes the route many cowardly men have gone. Through politics. They act as intellectuals, as that men should follow them because they know whats best. Men like this are articulate and intelligent and can easily manilpulate the minds of unexperienced and uneducated people. This Doper will go from one political org to another. Doing his best to disrupt, discredit and destroy it in his proccess. His history has always ended in failure. Whether organizational wise, even in his personal life. His greed for whatever his overall purpose is overwhelming. But during his tenures with these orgs he will use them as platforms to cause dissension with his host org and others. Through his stature as an intellectual/political leader within it. Boasting "well I am the blah, blah of this". He will even put himself in harms way at times, it serves the purpose to legitimacize himself to others. Who knows Mr Doper here may believe he can be the grand poo bah to lead his people to victory. But by this alone he cannot achieve his goals, he must also tear others down to rise himself above them. I talked about it in another article .

But his political actions are one of failure as well, but earn respect from those that dont know its failures.

Let me go off track a little and explain. For the past nearly 30 years men in our cause have tried to organize and protest against a corrupt system. Standing behind police barricades because they are so outnumbered. Giving speeches to communists who dont give a damn what you have to say, all for the sake of bad media publicity. But lets go a step further in the example. A certain neo nazi organization here in the states uses the system to the T. They choose a city, usually that suffered from a racial issue and plan an event. They do so far in advance that way they can promote it an advertise for it. They make sure everyone knows about it even anti racists groups. The always liberal media gets ahold of it. They run articles on it stirring fear "neo-nazis plan to march". Then they interview usually a member of the SPLC or like minded group. They protray them as the hero's fighting against the evil racists. So when every blind liberal white in the area read the paper they see the good guy (SPLC) and the bad guy (white racists). In most cases the paper will put the SPLC's contact so all these people say "oh my the nazi's are coming to town? let me help these nice folks who are fighting against them". Last time i personally spoke to the leader of said neo nazi org i told him i would love to see the financial spreadsheet of the SPLC everytime you do a rally because i gaurantee it is the main reason they are able to be so well funded! But bad media publicity, financial gain of anti's isnt the only negative about these actions. Any regular non movement white person who is fed up about our racial strife will look at the men out there and not want a damn thing to do with the pro white cause! The common rabble, not the speakers are usually the bottom barrel of our kin, with nothing better to do but join others in lashing out at the system. Then the FBI will document the event, creating profiles on each attendee and use it to justify further surveilance and harrassment. I can go on. But i speak from experiance! I was one of those fools who believed i was making a difference and taking a stand. I gave more public speeches then most of these people ever will. I travelled all over the country, spending all my money doing so. It wasnt until i gave my last speech in Toledo that i looked out at the crowd of screaming anti's and asked myself "what are we accomplishing here?". Then i started seeing all the massive holes in the tactic. I never did it again and never will. If i speak again and i have and will but only to MY people and only to inspire THEM, not to agitate non whites and serve our enemies interests!!!

But back to Subject A. Him and others like him use this pointless methods to legitimcize themselves. While there are those that really think as i did, that they are making a difference the reality is that it does not serve the pro white mission. Only when the community as a whole stands up with you will it work. As in poland for example. When we do it we get what 40 to 50 people tops. They get thousands! But subject A does not care about "making a difference" he just wants to serve his purpose. Without the concern of the damage it may cause. He gains his little following of uneducated and unexperienced through his exploits of the above. Once he has there command as a puppet master he pits them against those he wants to tear down.

Now before i go into the poor fools who follow let me first jump to example B Ben Dicklack. Now this person, being oblivious or apathetic to being used by example A will allow so to serve also his purpose. He is a more common breed in todays movement. He uses the internet, radio and youtube to promote himself and at the same time to discredit and slander others. He legitimacizes himself through campaigns and fundraisers. Sometime for the very same purpose of example A. With taking his own cut i am sure. Starting to see how this little circle jerk works? He will provide a platform for his own agenda, example A's agenda or anyone who they can use to attack those they seek to undermine. He will get a cult following by seeming tough, hard nose, no nonsense, contravesial attitude. He will make grandiose claims and constantly build up his own mystique. In many cases, beings he is not a "public" person as our example A because he may being trying to maintain a normal life outside his manipulations in the pro white cause. This means usually example B's actual purpose more then likely isnt for self grandious entitlement but more simpler. Financial, or hate and animosity. But he may take on a false persona, fake name. Let us say in example B's case he may use the name Melvin Marris. Either way just as damaging. Now he will wrile up his cult following, he will get them to attack others via internet, radio, phone or text. He will convince them just as example A does that those they wish to tear down are the REAL racial enemy and that they are the salvation. Convincing them that those they attack are secretly working with "ZOG" or the enemy. Remember method 1?

Now both parties will try to remain hands off most of the time sending their blind followers in harms way. But in the rare circumstances they will befriend their enemies in order to try to break down from within. Turning brother against brother or as my example story dictates wolf against wolf.

These blind followers as oblivious to what they do are far from being guilt free in the greater scheme of things. These people are usually lost individuals. They like many who join the movement, never really fit in anywhere. Growing up in school they didnt fit in with the cool kids, the jocks, the nerds, etc. They were essentially unimportant. Then when they find the pro white movement they find it easily excepting. It, the pro white cause, has always been desperate for numbers. Especially in such bleak times. So it sacrifices quality, integrity, honor and loyalty. All for the sake of a facade of support. Usually when things get REAL these people tuck tail and run or they find some other cause to attach themselves to. Why do you think you see so many jump back and forth from pro white to anti white? Theres your answer. However these minions of agents will follow blindly becuase they feel a part of something, they feel friendship. But it never lasts. Because they dont realize example A and B are only using them to serve their agenda. Thats why both parties cannot keep people in their life long. Whether it be from their peers, their minions, and even their significant others in their personal life. They themselves follow blindly seeking their agenda, lying, manipulating, stealing and hurting anything or anyone in their path never finding true victory because they themselves are being used. Like the Beta male they will destroy themselves to accomplish their goal. While their masters are the true winners.

So lets sum up here by once again letting method 1 speak for its self:
Method 1: Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents.

Whether they do it for money, personal gain, hate or animosity. There it is and we let them win when we engage with them. When we feed into them, it gives them and ONLY them the power. Because it creates chaos or to use a more common pro white term "DRAMA". We can clearly combat this, never end it but at least take their power away. But first let me finish up witht the other cointelpro methods and the difference/similarities between them.
2. Psychological Warfare From the Outside: The FBI and police used myriad other "dirty tricks" to undermine progressive movements. They planted false media stories and published bogus leaflets and other publications in the name of targeted groups. They forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls. They spread misinformation about meetings and events, set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents, and manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials and others to cause trouble for activists.

I have personally had this done to me and The Creativity Movement. Two summers ago i awoke, got a cup of coffee and went over to check my phone. To my shock i had 19 voicemails. Well, being used to harrassment i figured it was some anti, calling over and over. But no it was all seperate threatening voicemails. I checked the miss calls and the majority of them all came from the same number. So i called it back. It was the st clair county hospital in port huron. So i told the receptionist that i recieved multiple harrasing numbers from their hospital and she forwarded me off to the administrator. The phone call at first was very angry and threatening. I stopped her and said "look lady i dont know what the HELL your talking about." she calmed down and told me that someone had made up a flyer with a picture of black people hanging from a tree with the underneath caption. "save the white race, kill all non whites now!" Beneath it said "contact Rev James Logsdon" with my cell and home address following. This happened multiple times in different locations. I found out who and where it came from. One disgruntal person and his mother were doing it. This person was upset with me as i refused his membership in TCM. Based on, well after this, accurate assumptions. They even put over a hundred in peoples mailboxes, which is a federal offense. I had to have a long talk with the st clair county sherrif. Even though i knew the persons name, i never revealed it them. Instead we just told him very politly to stop it or we would have no choice.

We had over a dozen situations like this over the years. One person actually put out flyers with a picture of a celebrity and her family on the back. You imagine me shaking my head after i had to talk to Brooke Shields and her attorney!!! In which thankfully they didnt sue because in this case it was an actual previous disgruntal member. But these issues i dont believe were deliberate actions from the powers to be or anyone working with them. Just similar tactics of psychological cowardly warfare. Subconcious servitude.


Well, friends if you did your research with the links i provided above, you would know how much this is REAL and not just conspiracy. ENTIRE ORGANIZATIONS!!! Ill just let you think about that one.

The rest of that method is as self explainatory and up to this point i think you get it and have seen situation similar to this.

3. Harassment Through the Legal System: The FBI and police abused the legal system to harass dissidents and make them appear to be criminals. Officers of the law gave perjured testimony and presented fabricated evidence as a pretext for false arrests and wrongful imprisonment. They discriminatorily enforced tax laws and other government regulations and used conspicuous surveillance, "investigative" interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to intimidate activists and silence their supporters.

Well i know many of us have experienced this. The FBI for years used this as scare tactics to chase people off. It worked and saved them from applying the previous ones. But with the new age and much more people coming into the cause, budget cuts due to a failing political and financial institutions, they are stretched too thin to apply these to everyone they would like to. So instead they apply #1. They also make examples of leaders within this movement. The SPLC does it through lawsuits. Taking away the financial oppurtunites both property and money. Example, Metzger, Edwards. They even tried it against TCM founder PME Klassen that later trickled down to William Pierce. If you become to much of a threat and are not phased or damaged by the first two then we have seen they will eliminate you through the corrupt legal system. Prime example PME Rev Matt Hale. I have experianced enough of this to write a series of books on! But lets move on to the last Method.
4. Extralegal Force and Violence: The FBI and police threatened, instigated, and themselves conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object was to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements. In the case of radical Black and Puerto Rican activists (and later Native Americans), these attacksincluding political assassinationswere so extensive, vicious, and calculated that they can accurately be termed a form of official "terrorism."

Now here is the rub and the BIG difference between those cointelpro agents that work for the SPLC, ADL etc, and those who work for goverment agencies. This is a much older tactic that was prevelant back between the 50's 60's and 70's, even into the 80's. Back then then the media was easier to control, manipulate and threaten into submission. There was no internet, bloggers or youtube. They had agents kill in order to prove themselves to leaders of the orgs they were trying to infiltrate. You see an actual FBI or one working for them or other goverment agency have the protection of the court. The SPLC, ADL and others can pay agents, provide them with intel, send others to back them and help them in their endeavors. However they have no control or manipulation over the court system. Thats the feds jurisdication and as much as they help each other out they wont risk their carreers to serve their personal plans, unless they are the same.

So the cointelpro agents outside the goverment are not going to do much more then techno terrorize. They wont meet up when challenged as we have seen many times, they wont follow through on any of their threats or do A DAMN THING. It is only a facade that has power through our responses. Our anger and frustrations, the chaos i told you they seek!

As this last method is not in use, at least as far as we know, thats not to say it wont again. It will be used as a last ditch effort. As they probably dont want to or have the need right now. Down the road their may be men who enter organizations. They are gonna be tough men, mean men. Willing to drive halfway accross the country to crack the skull of someone who the leaders want them to. Hell, it could even be one of the agents of the previous methods. Whatever they have to do to prove themselves within the ranks. And when the times is right they will instigate dissension within. Many times by using the previous methods.

Now how to combat this. Well lets first simplify it.

Step 1. Recognition.

You can see by someones history, pattern and actions. Going out of their way to make themselves seem bet but through comparisons to those they want to tear down. Obsessive attitudes. Any normal man wont get too bent out of shape over another man they have never met for very little reason. Just based off the assumptions of things they are told or read online. Use common sense, not paranoia. If they act too serious over petty things usually there are hidden reasons or agendas. If they activly seek out your friends only to turn them against you, etc.

Step 2. Avoidance.

There platform is based upon your response. The banter is what creates the internal chaos they seek. Everyone fighting amongst themselves instead of against the real enemy. Remember the wolves? And the deer runs away. You must simply not engage them in ANY WAY! They will bait you, provoke you, lie on you and smear your name. They will say the nastiest things. Still do not engage. It is the upon the life of lies the coward reigns supreme. Social media, even when they prank call and text. This is not real life but the facade of it. Or at least it shouldnt be your life. It is the bait to anger you, frustrate you and distract you away from what you should be focussing on. The real enemy, your racial enemy!

Step 3. Record, observe and remember.

It will be the most diiffucult task and maybe not one for the thin skinned. You will see what they say about you, your friends and brothers. Keep a record of it for later if you wish, it may be used to expose those who seek to infiltrate within. Keep track of the players, remember and if they do flock away from their safety bubbles treat is such. Real men dont threaten they act. Remain silent until you see the white of their beedy eyes, then black them. Show them if they venture out from their cowardly platform they will be held accountable for their actions!

Step 4. Stay focussed on positivity.

It is so easy to become distracted by their and others nonsense and drama. Just remember allot of it is intentional. Actions of the enemy. Make realistic plans and goals. Even if they fail, take the positives out of it and move on to the next. Make them simple at first. For instance bring one new person to a get together. Then two and so forth. The spiral of negativity and depression can lead you down a deep hole that is hard to get out of.

Step 5. Trust no one.

But, a BIG but, give people a chance. Make people earn your trust and if you are an honest, reliable trustworthy person you will earn theirs. But once again, always be on guard. If you have a true brother/friend you know it. Dont fuck it up. The gook Sun Tzu said the best way to defend against your enemy is to make your position unsailable. So in simplistic terms and to make it easy dont give your enemy or potential enemy anything to use against you. Clean up your backyard, dont do or say anything stupid and dont give them ammo to use against you at a later date. Then you dont have to be paranoid and walk on eggshells, you stomp then in the ground as you walk head held high.

Step 6. Where theres smoke theres fire.

If you hear something from multiple people there may be some truth to it. As #1 of Creativity's "what a creator is not". A Creator is not gullible and does not easily accept any statement belief or assertion or assumption that to him is lacking in proof and/or is unreasonable in the light of his own experience. However do your homework and find out for yourself.

Step 7. Be prepared.

I always tell people an old statement i was told by an old man. Expect the best but be prepared for the worst. From every "method" they can throw at you expect it not to happen but be prepared when it does. Men threaten violence, take it as its source but never let your guard down.

Finally Step 8. Be yourself.

Have fun, realize how important this task is, how much is at stake, the dangers we and our people face. But dont get burnt out. Many of racialists, give up, get frustrated and simply not only quit the movement but life in general. Apathy is the more apporapriate name for this generation. The swarms of news articles and negativity that we see everyday, bellow a pessimistic tone. It desensitizes us and our actions. It is important to take time for yourself, apreciate yourself, love yourself, for what you have and what you can have. We have a long road ahead and the real fight hasnt even begun. Lets not be to worn out to fight.

Now my brothers and sisters you do these basice things and you will find that the future will be much brighter and happier. It wont be easy but it will be worth it in the long run. These internal enemies that serve our true racial enemies will eventually turn on each other like the jackals and Beta males they are. I have faith in you. And together we can win this Racial Holy War! Rev James Logsdon TCM and Black and silver.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Loyalty, a unique trait.

A little rant here folks. Loyalty. Many have no idea what this means and many never will grasp the concept. It can be loyalty to a friend, a cause, an organization/brotherhood. even your spouse/ loved one. If you break one you will break them all and a man who cant keep his loyalty to something he has sworn to uphold, isn't a man you can trust. It isn't a man you can rely on. Even if they have come through once or twice trust and believe one day they wont. If you can find one person you can always rely on you are lucky. I am a lucky person, I have my wife and a few (and I mean literally that, a few) who have stood by me for a long time. Through good times and bad. Some of the times they shouldn't of because I didn't deserve their love and loyalty. But they gave it anyway. And I would fight for them, kill for them, burn for them and if need be die for them. That is loyalty, to stand by someone's side, through the good and bad. Not when its convenient for you or when it serves your needs.

I have always given my 110% loyalty to those that have earned it. At times it hasn't been worth much, a friendly ear you can trust when you need one or advice. There have been times it has been worth allot, because I can tend to be a bad/mean person when I have to be! But I have never wavered from it. That is until they break their loyalty to me first. If people even knew some of the things I did to protect them, to help them they probably wouldn't be able to look me in the eyes ever again.

Let me give you an example. I have been a part of one organization. 1! I signed an oath of loyalty to the WCOTC (now TCM for those who don't know) many years ago. When we were at the height of popularity we were abundant with people. All of whom signed the same basic oath I did (I had to do another oath with the White berets but that's a different matter). When things got bad I watched these same people flee like rats abandoning the ship. All wiping their asses with their loyalty and honor, because they didn't have the loyalty, courage and honor it took to stand through the fire. I really am not trying to toot my own horn here but I did. I stood strong and did my best when I had to even when it still wasn't good enough for some. Through losing more then you can imagine. I kept this group, WCOTC together for the sake of my faith, its leader (Rev Hale) who is still sacrificing, being locked away in prison and for the sake of the oath of loyalty i swore. All though i was never alone, there were those who came and gone, those who still do. But i kept the flame lit when others didnt. I even asked Rev Hale at one point to relieve me from duty, he refused my request because the church still needed me. As much as i wanted to abandon my post, something within me wouldnt allow me. Thats how i know either you have it or you dont. I have been frustrated, i have have grown tired, still am.

But obviously the lack of loyalty in people is something that bothers me. Its one thing when one realizes its misplaced, that they have been fooled and lied to. Even then you still confront the person, cause or group and explain why you are leaving, that way you can walk away with your honor intact. There are those that continue to show loyalty to some even when they know they are being lied to. I can respect loyalty and honor, i cant respect stupidity. I guess the biggest thing that bothers me is when people break their oaths without just cause. I believe these are the lowest people on the earth. Hell even a nigger, spic, jew, etc... doing all the despicable things they might do are only showing loyalty to their own. Something white's simply dont have in this modern age, racial loyalty. But thats not my focus of discussion here.

Like i said above i have shown and proven my loyalty, but yet there are those who simply dont have it. If i stand by you, yet you befriend and fraternize with those who actively slander me, drag me down, lie on me, then you obviously dont have any loyalty for me. Even when i showed you my loyalty. I know to some this may seem selfish and your right. Yet i dont care, because if you feel that way your probably one of the people I'm describing. That you have broken your oaths, your loyalty. Only the people with the unique trait of true loyalty can and will understand what i am talking about.

I can tell you, the reader, that even though just slightly off topic, i have found more resistance within this cause then i ever have from without. Half of which i believe is coming from "without" enemies within our camp so to speak. All the loyalty i spoke of above i had to the WCOTC, yet i found more problems from splinter group(s) led by men who just wanted to further their own gains. Whether that was secretly working for someone from "without". To further their own ego, because giving themselves titles and lying about how they came upon it and earned it makes them feel important i guess. At the end of the day they are still lying to themselves, pretending to be something they are not, but i guess some people can live with that. I would say because they honestly think they are doing the right thing, but i cant because it will fall in the same category i described before.

Either way those who have shown me their loyalty, who have stood by me and continue to do so. You know how i feel and that my loyalty will never waver for you. I love you dearly. Those who have and continue to break their loyalty to me should know, i know, i see and i hear. So dont be suprised when you call for my loyalty, when you need me, i wont be there. I consider you just as bad as those who have stood against me. And you will be run over just the same. It obviously isnt today, might not be tomorrow. But one day. You can trust that even though, unlike you i am not a person willing to break my oaths to accomplish my personal goals or needs. I however am the type of person willing to do things you wont. Things your afraid to do, things your imagined false sense of morality and ethics wont allow you to do. So be worried, be afraid. Because one day those who break their oaths will have to answer for it. And we WILL win this racial holy war.

Rahowa! Rev Logsdon

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Random pics of activism over the years

About me....

Racial greetings,

For those that know me as an FYI, I lost access to my previous blog. For those who are new and would like to read my previous writings feel free to visit my last blog at

As well for you new readers I will give a some background on who I am. Followed by a post collage of activism pictures.

My name is Rev James Logsdon, I have been a part of the pro white cause for nearly 2 decades. I was always "racist" or for a better word racially aware. Even when I went through a bit of an identity crisis in a typical teenage rebellious fashion. Listening to non white music and following the crowd, I still never associated with non whites and always remained true to my racial heritage. My ethnic makeup is about 70-80% irish, Scottish with a little Finnish in there. I would love to go into a whole family makeup and history as it is quite interesting. Irish slaves, coal miners, drill instructors, and so on. But for the sake of time and space I will stick to the basics.

Being raised by an angry Vietnam veteran, ex biker and alcoholic, my life was far from uneventful. An abusive household left me on my own jumping from house to house. Never really having a place of my own as I couldn't live with my father. Without going into greater detail about my young life it wasn't pretty. Many people would have anger and resentment at their parents for such a life but I have nothing but love and respect for them. But this isn't my complete life story, so I only tell you these basic things to show you the reader I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth nor did I come from a sheltered home.

Anyway at the age of 16, I received an substantial inheritance from my aunt and beings I was amancipated I purchased my own home. Now reader, picture this, take the chaotic life I already had up to this point. Now give a 16 year old a home, 2 cars and lots of money in the bank. A sure fire recipe for disaster! Which unfortunately ended up as such. A year later I was having a typical party in my home. Several of my friends, a few girls and lots of drinking. One girl in particular got very intoxicated and wanted my friend to drive her and her car home. But he wanted to come back to my place. They asked and harassed me several times to follow him and bring him back. After many refusals I finally agreed. All my other friends wanted to come with. At this point in time I was far too intoxicated to drive, I even pulled over right before we left town and asked one of my friends to drive. They all said I was fine, even though I knew I wasn't. I continued, we dropped this girl off and headed back to my place. I had never been on this hilly road before. I was speeding and the music was blaring. As I approached what I thought was another hill, I had no idea it did a 90 degree turn. My car went straight, front tire dipped underneath a culvert sending my car flying and spinning in the air. By the time all the chaos was done, we went 525 feet into a corn field and there was hardly nothing left of the car. My friend behind me died within an hour as he was cut in half. My best friend since birth had a broken hip and a small laceration on his arm. However he died 3 days later because the doctors failed to detect a bone splinter off his hip that went through his blood stream and lodged in his heart causing internal bleeding. My two other friends walked away unscathed. I had a broken back, a broken neck, a dettached ear, shattered arm, impaled through my abdomen by a corn stalk and multiple lacerations. Yet somehow I survived. With close to ten thousand stitches in my body multiple cast on my body I walked out of the hospital only to enter a police car. I was originally arrested for simple felony DUI. A month later they indicted me on 4 counts of reckless homicide. Two counts per death.

Here I was at 17 facing up to 56 years in prison (3 to 14 per count). I ended up taking a blind plea as it was my fault. They dropped two counts, so I went on the two reckless homicide and the dui. I received 13 years. But the judge took my age into consideration and ran them concurrent. So basically 6 years.

I entered Joliet CC shortly after my 18th birthday (county time before). If your curious about this place feel free to search it. It has been featured in multiple movies and shows (prison break, blues brothers and lets go to prison. Sick but funny comedy ). I went in, in not the right state of mind. Fresh off accidently killing two of my own friends and with a huge chip on my shoulder.

I was a avid reader/believer of norse mythology/odinism/asatru. I formed into a skinhead, angry, filled with hate. I ran with other like minded people when I could. Many times there were galleries in which I was the only white man and it wasn't a long stay. Many original old timers in the Aryan brotherhood I found a kinship with inside and despite there many requests I never joined. I never felt, me catching another case and a few years worth being a member. In 98 one AB member sent me a book, as we were in disciplinary segregation. The book was entitled "the white mans bible". Up to this point I have already read a plethora of NS style books (rise and fall of the 3rd reich, mein kampf, etc. ) none of which truly moved me one way or the other. Other then factual awakenings. But none were even close to the inspirational awakening I received by my introduction to Creativity. As I got out of segregation for the umpteenth time already I started looking for Natures eternal religion. The first book that was referenced many times. I finally got it after jumping through many hoops and having to pay for it. Granite it was a book with the original cover ripped off and a "Christian inspirational cover" carefully glued on that I received from an AB brother. As it was a blocked book. As I engulfed myself in this title. I found I was being completely overwhelmed. The information was truly life changing. It was even more inspiring as I was in college at this time. I know prison college huh? But it is far more harder then you would think, as they cram a whole semester into a 3 week course with a few classes and the same required tests to pass. The prerequisites were even more daunting as you pretty much had to have the discipline to teach yourself.

The one and only positive I can take out of the educational raping was the brief interaction with my majors professor. The options were limited and I realized I wasn't going to make a career out of a prison degree, so it was more for me personally. So out of the limited options I chose sociology. The same professor I mentioned was a nigger from Liberia ( ). Who was raised in a re-colonization camp. He was a aggressive Marxist, but honest. Before I even read the NER he taught me the truth of Lincoln and his intentions of racial separation. I have to say I learned quite allot while incarcerated, both from college and self reading. As I was aggressively pro white I found myself in segregation quite allot so I had allot of "down time" to catch up on reading. I remember having to cram wet toilet paper in my ears to drown out the "planet of the apes musical" going on in the prison gallery. Something I can say made me a little psychopathic. Listening to the constant around the clock stories from these primates was enough to make the most "normal" person insane. The bragging of raping white women and killing, robbing and beating whites. That is to put it mildly as I can tell you stories that would make even the most harden racialist cringe.

However as I got kicked from prison to prison (yes you can get kicked out of a prison) I ended up doing far more time then i was supposed to, about 2 years in fact. I could tell you story after story. Many of my own brothers in the cause have had to suffer through my stories. HaHa! I was stabbed a few times, got into well over 4 or 5 dozen fights. I was even jumped on one time by 6 "black disciples" or "BD"s as they called it. In where they took a mop wringer and bashed me in the face, knocking my front teeth out. One of them after i went down preceded to take a small razor blade and tried slicing my throat, as they were trying to kill me. Luckily for me several other pro whites jumped in and saved me. Brotherhood back then inside meant something.

So up to this point, there are many, MANY things i have left out. My amateur golden gloves boxing participation while i was a teenager, a brown belt in jiu jitsu, living homeless as a teenager, working construction, drugs and women (as i was a very mature young teenager growing up in a college town). Etc, etc. The point once again is not to give you the reader a life story but to put what I've been through into a little perspective, so those that don't know me can understand a little bit of my personality. As i come off quite aggressive to some, i have little patience for unearned arrogance, condescension, dishonesty or a multitude of other peoples faults. I have many of my own, but this is my life and i will live it, judge it and act on it as i see fit. I am completely honest with myself and those faults so don't be mad at me because i am content with who and what i am.

Now enters the next stage of my life. The release from prison and joining the WCOTC.

As i have been a creator by religion since 98 i didn't officially join until January 2000. I sent Rev Hale a letter requesting to join in 99 but he said because i was scheduled to get out then within a year he said just wait until you get out. Neither one of us knew i would have so much time added onto that sentence. When i first got out within a week i received a phone call from Rev Hale and my application in the mail. Something to mention is i noticed on this application, at the end, was a note that said " I hereby swear my oath of loyalty, honour and devotion to The World church of the Creator." To me this meant everything, i thought about it and signed it. For you see if i left, or couldn't uphold my part that meant either, I was disloyal, i dishonored myself or the church or i lacked devotion. So failure was NOT an option. SO, SO many in this cause sign and vow the same things to different groups and causes. Yet when things don't go there way, they lose interest or find something "better" they wipe their butt with the same oath they signed or swore. That speaks volumes to the type of people this movement is full of. If you want to move on simply ask the men in charge to be released, with honor intact from service. Simple. Even if things end ugly one must take it upon themselves to maintain their own dignity.

Anyway, right off the bat Rev Hale had me working. Putting out flyers, standing on street corners with signs and flags. I found myself fighting with anti racist scum on the streets of events within months of my release. Much to the anger and dismay to my parole officer. I also was working two jobs. As a labourer for a rough framing/carpenter crew and working at grain co-op's. I let the grain business go as i took to framing/carpentry as a fish would take to water. I was able to read blueprints and deal with suppliers and due to the fact i was a angry loud mouth prick (LOL) i was made foremen very quickly. Before my 22nd birthday I opened a framing business with my then brother in law. All the while Rev Hal e had me going to multiple events, putting out flyers, etc. I also started my own local crew up which grew exponentially well. So here i was, 21 years old. Own place, running my own company, running my own pro white crew, and so on. Little did i known the chaos that would ensue about a year later would redefine not only my life but the lives of several others. The next year went by and it was pretty much better and better all around. I had multiple employees, well paid and productive. Our local "twin city skinhead crew" was up to 20 plus members by the end of 02. Thanks to my business i was able to donate thousands upon thousands of dollars to the church and was even able to employ a few racialists as well (even though they didn't last long. Rule of thumb never hire friends or family!) The church as a whole was growing greatly in numbers and popularity. Rev Hale himself was about 90% of its success which was the biggest problem as he overshadowed the church and Creativity as a whole. It was still obviously working as it was getting Creativity out there. However it put a LARGE target on Rev Hale's back. I knew i had one as well but i was always a little more street savvy then most. There were a plethora of people around that were less then worthy of being a part of the church. I even spoke with Rev Hale about this yet he thought numbers were the most important thing. People like Jon Fox, Scott Gulbranson, Patrick Langballe, and besides these unsavory people we had the biggest parasite Tony Evola. Towards the end of 02 with the pending trademark suite, lots of surveillance, things started to look, well let me just say "funny" or "creepy" as if there was an ominous tone in the air.

The morning of January 8th, 2003 was the beginning of a day, i knew, i would never forget. I had to get up early as Rev Hale already told me we had to be in Chicago at a certain time. So i said bye to my then girlfriend and waited on the porch, Rev Hale pulled up with Fox, and Gulbranson. I got in and we headed to Joliet to pick up Rev Moudry and the Joliet crew. On the way Rev Hale confessed to me he thought he was going to be arrested. But absolutely not for what he actually was. As he was ordered by the court to hand over all flyers and items containing "WCOTC" as we were ruled against in the trademark case. Rev Hale refused, so the court case we were going to was ordered by Judge Lefkow to show "just cause" of refusal. So Rev Hale thought he was going to be arrested for contempt of court for refusing the order. He instructed us that if this was the case we were to go to Judge Lefkows home and do a sidewalk protest, then to members of the appellate court as well. When we got to Rev Moudry's house many of the female members were already making protest signs. We loaded everyone and everything into the rental van. Crammed together like sardines there was about 18 of us inside. We got to downtown Chicago parked and walked to the courthouse. As soon as we got there the media swarmed us. We also seen several green and purple haired anti whites floating around. After answering several questions we headed in. I noticed something funny right off the bat. Scott went first threw the metal detectors, then Matt, then me. But they stopped everyone else for some reason. Rev Hale was going on so i had to keep up as i was his main security. (made me very curious as the "head" of the white berets was nowhere to be found and Rev Hale asked me to be his personal beret.) Anyway, we got to the first set of elevators and even though there were allot of people waiting on them the US marshal told us these are closed go to the next one. So we walked to the next set. Soon as we walked in step, Scott said something to me but my attention was on Rev Hale as he was a few steps in front of me. He walked up and hit the "up" button. I noticed there were roughly about 20 people in this area all waiting on elevators, yet no one hit the button? Before i had another thought, the elevators opened only to reveal several men in swat gear that immidiatly grabbed Rev Hale, they pulled him into the elevator and as we lunged forward to grab him back every person who was "waiting" for the elevators jumped us. Scott being a frail non-fighter was grabbed by a female and male officer and accusted quickly. Me on the other hand had more hands on me that i could count. Just based off natural reaction these people were not dressed as law enforcement, i grabbed the first guy by the throat and moved him to my left out of my way and i was swarmed. With close to a dozen people on me i looked up at the split seconds that had passed as if they were in slow motion and the key thing that sticks in my memory is the look of desperation and fear on Rev Hale's face. As if he thought, what i thought. This isnt something simple.

As they walked Scott out, they tried to forcfully "walk" me to the door. As i pushed two Marshals off me and yelled "i can walk myself". As me and Scott were put outside, a few minutes later everyone else came back out. When they took me, Matt and Scott to the second set, they took everyone else to the first set of elevators. We had about 40 people there in support, so they diverted them elsewhere. As people came out in confusion as to what was going on, Fox thought oh Matt knew he could go to jail. I told him "no this is different" but he insisted to follow what Matt wanted. So we walked down to the rental van and low and behold, its gone. Siezed by the feds. So we walked back and soon as we get there out walks Rev Hale's trademark attorney Todd Reardon. He explains to us that Matt was arrested for "conspiracy to commit murder". Something that came to a complete shock to all of us. We waited around for his bond hearing a little later. A side not as the 50 of us sat in the court room, they said all rise for the judge to enter and none of us got up. As Rev Hale entered we all got up and raised our arm to salute! I am sure the judge was not happy. But we heard the charges and well, as there are allot of details that came after, i would be hear too long telling you all about it. Safe to say it was a chaotic day.

Within weeks of his arrest the effects were already starting to pick up. Panic, desertion, denial, etc. I have a story for each. Soon enough our website was shut down by ZOG, our membership was depleted within a couple months. Going from around 500 to less then 50. The supposed remaining "leaders" and i use that term loosely, panicked beyond belief. Some started bickering amongst themselves and chaos ensued. Our "safeguard" the GFC proved to be more then useless. After the website was siezed and shut down Thomas Kroenke, the HP disappeared. Even though Hale commanded (from his father who he was in contact with) that Jon Fox take over. A man at that time sleeping on a futon in my living room and working as a labourer for me. A job he didnt have long. They managed to do nothing but look at the other as if waiting for approval of what to do. Fox later fled the state after i gave him an abrupt attitude adjustment for a drunken tirade. He then took the remainder of church items the Feds did not confiscate and went to North Dakota to be with Scott Gulbranson who fled there months later for an issue i wont discuss right now. I should note 6 months later Fox turned over the same property back to feds and agreed to be a witness against Hale. A story even the courts didnt believe, that was later thrown out. I wont go into all the court issues about Hale's case here either for the sake of space.

Anyway, with all the central leadership gone, Rev Moudry and myself decided we had to start moving locally regardless of what was going on world wide. As we did. We held numerous "free Matt Hale" rallies, demo's. We put out thousands of flyers and was the ONLY active church chapter for years after the arrest. We showed up at multiple events, from IKA, NSM, assorted klan and skinhead events, we were always there nationwide to make sure people knew the church was still alive. While others were arguing about this or that, while they were claiming this or that, we were the ones hitting the streets. It wasnt till early 04 a man (i use the term loose as well) by the name Joel Dufrense got in contact with us. He started a new TCM (WCOTC) website back up, he also put me in contact with Adam Jacobs who i found out was appointed to be the new HP by Rev Hale (who we had no recent contact with). I asked both these men what they were doing to keep creativity alive and ...... ........ ......... well you get the point. But regardless had to get the church back going so we started working together. Pretty much no change other then a website and more drama. A year went by, i was living in florida, roofing houses still travelling all over to events and representing creativity.

Now reader, at this point i was still a pee on, a simple minister of no title or notiriety other then my own accolades of activism. Men followed me because i took charge, made decisions when others wouldnt, regardless of consequences and there were consequences, but the only thing worse then a bad action is no action!!! At this same time, we started dealing with internet splinter groups, self appointed people with no legitimacy claiming rights and slandering us. I wont mention the key person or his 5 different orgs he controlled as such a man isnt worthy to be mentioned here, i will save that for another time. 6 months later Adam Jacobs was arrested for a crime i personally know he didnt commit, aggrevated assault and kidnapping on his roomate. I was on the phone with him when the supposed "beating" took place. None of the evidence added up. But it wasnt about that.....

At this same time, i got a phone call from my parents, that told me that counter-terrorism task force just left their house after kicking in the front door and putting a gun to my dads head. They told me to turn on the news. "Joan Lefkows family murdered" Of course we were to blame. I called and talked to Brian and of course he was being raided, they continued harrassing my parents as they couldnt find me in florida. I flew into midway airport in chicago only to be met by the men in black, with their stupid aviator sunglasses which must come standard with their gun and badge. They took me in and questioned me, they asked me who killed lefkows family. I responded with "Ian Segel and the jewish defense league". They didnt care much for that answer, but thats all i had to say. I was released and went to Rev Moudry's house, it was torn up by the feds raid. We sat there for the next day peeking out the window at the cadre of federal cars still posted outside. The evening 3 days later showed on the news that a man who Lefkow ruled against killed himself with a note attached to him for killing her family. No retraction for blaming us or apology (not that we expected one).

I get back home only to deal with the Jacobs fiasco. His roommate, a very poor example of a white man who didnt work and was living off adam, on top of the fact we found out he was only there because he was hiding from a warrant in new york. But he claimed, after being visited by several federal agents, that adam kidnapped him and beat him. This clearly was a staged lie, as he left ny to hide out in adams. The medical reports showed a "mild facial contusion" far from a "beating". He was another casualty/repercusion of the Hale case. After another 6 months our webmaster was arrested for 21 counts of rape. Something i couldnt or better yet didnt want to beleive. But in that case the evidence showed otherwise. I wont go into any more detail on that but as you can imagine my nerves are getting fried. I could also mention the murder case in joliet that was breaking that chapter up as well, but this is not a church history rather key things of mine.

So here we were seeing some international progress, had an HP, a website and webmaster over 15 worldwide chapters including a HUGE ukraining chapter. Then within a year it all falls apart again. I should mention two things, first in the middle of all this Jacobs and Joel held an election for PM and i was voted in, i declined because i didnt want to besmirch the name. The second was i lived in milwaukee, wiscosin before florida and met and hung out with the old crew up there from pre-Hale days. I learned allot of history from those guys.

Ugh!!! So here i am lived and worked between 3 different states, running my own companies and making good money. To be honest i was always a bit of a social butterfly, despite being told countless times i was a prick. So i had allot of girlfriends, which was a big part of the moves. Anyway, shortly after all this chaos i moved back to bloomington, il. Within days got a job running a framing company. I was pretty sick of the business side of it so i had a new partner who handled that. I would rather just build houses then deal with finances and politics. It was always my passion and it was nice to just focus on it. The church issues were getting better, but after all the drama and nonsense i was pretty particular on who we allowed to get involved. We had great new european webmasters and i didnt have to worry about that end of it. I continued the activism, although my traveling wasnt as frequent. Towards the end of 06 i moved in with my grandparents as they were dying. Being in their 90's and i didnt want to see them go to a nursing home. I helped them as much as i could but they died on the same day one year apart. It took its toll on me and between personal problems and family issues i decided to me in with my now wife. She lived in Zion, IL, and no it wasnt full of jews but rather 80% black.

I will try to fast forward a bit here to wrap this up. I ended up having a child with her and raising her 3 other kids as if they were my own , well because they are. I have been raising them for 8 years now so i am the only real father they know. As their real father was a pedophile POS. The birth of my child was the most important thing that happened in my life. A boy i love dearly and makes life worth living. I ended up going back to prison again for a little bit for driving. I saw it was a world of difference from the first time. Racial loyalty inside was reflected by the outside world, very scarce and rare. But after i got out i had to move my family out of that nigger infested cesspool, which i did, back to bloomington.

In the last 5 years our life has gotten succesfully better. The church as well, sure we continue to have ups and downs but with age comes reality. I realize that is just part of life in general, how you handle it is up to you. Now i am a 35 year old man, who looks 65. I Have cancer and a pile of problems. But after all i have been through its just another day.

Now that is the shortest fast forward version of who i am and what i have been through. I skipped over allot of key things but i just wanted to give you, the reader an idea of what formed this man. And where i am today. My life has been far from uneventful. I worked, i loved, i have hated and i still am standing and hopefully the next 10 to 20 years, however long i am around, are just as eventful. Because i would rather live a life of chaos then just float through life.

If there are things about me and my life i didnt address please feel free to ask. For those who read all this i thank you for hearing me out and learning a little about me. There has been plenty lies about me spread by pathetic men who couldnt walk a foot in my shoes. That pretend to know but have no idea. If you want to know the truth just ask because as you see my life is an open book. Some judge me and that is fine, but i will stand on honesty. Whether it is liked or not. Thank you. Rev James logsdon